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【11/13(水)】Transforming Healthcare: a digital journey to better patient care

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【11/13(水)】Transforming Healthcare: a digital journey to better patient care
2024-11-13 19:00 (日本)

Join the Digital Transformation SIG for this World Quality Week webinar with guest speaker Gerhard Weiss.
Hear from Gerhard Weiss, Director of Systems Integration at Netcare, about their award-winning digital transformation project: CareOn.
In this webinar you'll learn about the seven year journey that healthcare teams in India, South Africa and Germany went through to transition from a paper-based medical records system to a digital-first approach, resulting in significant improvements to patient care. With a strong focus on user experience for medical staff and patients throughout, Gerhard will take us through the key stages of Netcare's transformation project to deploy significant technical innovation and foster new skills to thousands of people.


CQI レポート The Future of Work 未来の働き方