【2/8(水)】Fact or Fiction? The Sands Shifting of Assurance
- ■開催日時
- 2023-02-08
- ■言語
- English
- ■開催場所
- オンライン
- ■ツール
- GotoMeeting
About this event
Organisations must have effective systems of governance, assurance, and improvement to sustain delivery of high-quality products and services, meeting the needs and expectations of their interested parties. This is the basis on which the CQI’s Competence Framework is build.
In a world experiencing rapid advances in technology, shifting consumer values and expectations, and a turbulent political and economic environment, how do organisations continue to provide assurance to their interested parties? Does the progress of digital technology require entirely new approaches to assurance, is the status quo being fundamentally challenged, do organisations have to rethink how and who they consider as “customer”? Or does these shifting sands represent an unwelcome distraction to the core and well-established “norms” of quality assurance?
In this event for the CQI Wales Branch, Alexander Woods, CQI Policy Manager, will lead an interactive session where we will attempt to unpick some of the key questions facing quality assurance, how seriously, or otherwise, they are being considered by your organisation, and priorities for providing assurance in an ever-changing world.
About the Speaker:
Alexander Woods - Chartered Quality Institute (CQI) Policy Manager
Alexander Woods is Policy Manager for the Chartered Quality Institute (CQI), responsible for developing CQI’s research and development, advocacy and stakeholder engagement, and standards development programmes. As well as supporting the CQI’s research to understand “Quality 4.0”, he has been leading a project to examine assurance in a digitally-transformed world of work.
Event Access Details:
This event will be held on GoToMeeting.
Link: to be provided
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