新型コロナウイルス感染症がクオリティの専門家へ与える影響 The impact of Covid-19 on quality professionals

CQI はパートナーである品質マネジメントソフトウェア企業Qualsys 社と連携し、Covid-19: The impact of coronavirus on quality professionals 新型コロナウイルス感染症: コロナウイルスがクオリティ専門家に与える影響についてのレポートを発行しました。
The CQI has partnered with quality management software provider Qualsys to release Covid-19: The impact of coronavirus on quality professionals, a report looking at how the spread of Covid-19 has affected the quality profession.
The coronavirus pandemic has had, and continues to have, a profound effect on the way in which we live and work. While not entirely without precedent, the extent of these effects is unseen in modern times.
To get real benchmark data from the quality profession, a survey was released by the CQI and Qualsys to find out how quality professionals feel about their roles during this period of uncertainty, the role quality has played in businesses since the outbreak began, the steps that have been taken to address the challenges of a Covid-19 world, and what's next for quality teams.
More than 250 quality professionals shared their experiences in the online survey – the results of which are examined in the CQI’s and Qualsys’ joint report, Covid-19: The impact of coronavirus on quality professionals. Learn more by downloading the free report below.
Covid-19: The impact of coronavirus on quality professionals